Myth 1 : You’re either born happy or not — it’s not something you can change.
秘密 1 :天生快乐或不快乐----无法改变。
Get Happier Now: The next time you're grabbing coffee, pay for person behind you. The feel-good mood bump will be worth every penny!
Myth 2 : You can control how you act, but you can't control how you feel.
秘密 2 :你可以掌控你的行为,但无法掌控你的感受。
Get Happier Now: You guessed it: Smile! You can even set calendar alerts as reminders to do so regularly and consistently. While it's not an instant cure-all, it will reduce your body's stress response and make you feel better (even if you're gritting your teeth behind that grin).
Myth 3 : People who are generally happy just have pretty good, stress-free lives.
秘密 3 :拥有无忧无虑,毫无压力的生活。
Get Happier Now: Write down a recent change in your life (good or bad) and then follow it with three good things that have come out of that change. For example: "My car is in the shop and I have to dip into my savings for the repairs. But, being car-less means I get to carpool with my coworkers who I've been meaning to get to know."
Myth 4 : Having a positive attitude means never getting upset or frustrated about anything.
秘密 4 :拥有积极的生活态度,就不会对事情害怕或沮丧。
Get Happier Now: Designate a “worry time” for yourself each day — no more than five minutes — during which you will allow yourself to indulge in all the negative thinking you want. Set a ritual to conclude your worry time — something designed to refocus on the good, such as performing a small act of kindness for someone, writing down a point of gratitude, or making a note of something in the recent past that’s made you feel relieved, happy, etc.
Myth 5 : Being unhappy makes you work harder.
秘密 5 :不好的情绪会使你的工作更艰难。
Get Happier Now: Schedule a five-minute “Happy Break” in the middle of your workday every day for a week. Use that time to savor a treat you love (I suggest a square of really good dark chocolate), listen to your favorite song, text a loved one, or otherwise do something that you know will lift your mood. Don't be surprised if you discover you got more done at the end of the week!
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