asking for more data on the BB project. Who should l forward this mail to?"
2.Forwarding Mail
-"My work email is currently down. Can you send it to my personal email address? lt is someone@hotmail.com."
-"I'm having problems with my work email account. Can you send it to someone@hotmail.com instead?"
-"I'm having problems sending you an email to this account. Is there another email account you have that I can try?"
-"Our exchange serveris down for the next thirty minutes. lf this is urgent, you can send me an email to my personal account. lt is someone@hotmail.com."
1.Auto Reply
-"I will be vacation until June 4th. I will be on email occasionally, but if you have an emergency, you can reach me at 555-555-5555.For information on financial reports, contact Suzy Mona.For information on quarterly earnings,contact Jim Beam.For other urgent matters, contact Billy McGale."
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