In general, it takes about one day to get over each hour of time difference from your home country, Dr Meadows said. One way to cut back on that time zone malaise? “Three days before your return, West to East, for example, each day go to bed an hour earlier and wake up an hour earlier. So by the time you fly back, the time difference is reduced,” Dr Meadows suggested。
Loh also keeps his body clock in sync with his home country during short trips, so he doesn’t need to adjust when he returns home. “So from Singapore to London, I stick to Singapore time and go to sleep at 18:00 London time and get up at 2:00 do my emails and be in the office by 8:00 and finish off all my meetings by early evening if possible,” Loh said。
Dr Meadows recommends the power nap to combat jet lag. “The pressures of your old time zone bearing down on you can be sickening. Have a 10 to 30 minute power nap。”
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