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high-profile project so you can finally show what you can do。你期待一个新上司的出现,希望他能认可你的价值。你希望有天被委派到一个重要的项目上,能让你大施拳脚。

  You wish. And you wait。你期待。你等待。

  Your job doesn’t want you to wait for a savior; your job wants you to save yourself. Prove your value and your boss will recognize your value. Actively take more responsibility and great opportunities will naturally find you。向上司证明你的价值,他才会认可你。主动多承担一些责任,机会自然会降临在你的身上。

  Take control of your own future and your job will respect you a lot more – and you’ll respect yourself a lot more, too。自己把握未来,你的工作才会更加尊重你 —你也会更加尊重自己的。

  7. You think it’s all about the big idea。教训七:认为好点子就是一切

  Amazing innovations and surprising breakthroughs sometimes build great careers. The problem is, innovations and breakthroughs are hard to develop and even harder to execute。惊世的发明和突破有时会让你的事业突飞猛进。问题是发明和突破很难创造,更别说实施了。

  The vast majority of people succeed through focus, hard work, and consistently excellent execution。大多数人成功是因为他们专注、努力、执行力强。

  Forget to sweat the details while you search for that one incredible breakthrough and your job performance suffers。如果只关注实现惊人的突破,而忽视在细节上下工夫的话,你的工作表现就该大打折扣了。

  One big idea, if it ever comes, could possibly make your career, but executing lots of small ideas will absolutely make your job love you – and will form the basis for a career you can truly be proud of。如果有好的创意的话,可能会成就你的事业,但是完成许多小的想法也绝对能让你的工作喜欢上你,也能为你成就引以为豪的事业打下基础。

  If you hate your job, realize the feeling may be mutual – so start repairing the relationship right away. Or take a clear-eyed look at whether you need to end the “relationship” and move on。如果讨厌现在工作,你应该意识到这种感觉是相互的 —所以现在就修复和工作的关系吧。或者考虑清楚,自己是不是应该结束这份工作,向前看。

  Life is too short to spend with a job you hate – and with a job that hates you。人生苦短,不值得浪费在讨厌的工作上 —何况工作也讨厌你呢。



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