also discourages you from simply reading your speech from the slide. Use your slides to grab and hold the audience’s attention through attractive visuals. People get bored easily listening to speeches and having something pretty to look at helps us focus。用你的幻灯片的视觉效果来吸引和保持观众的注意力。听演讲大家都很容易感到无聊的,给他们看看漂亮的东西有助于集中精神。
#7 Avoid the Bullet Point Plague#7避免过度使用项目符号
Bullet points are in fact a great tool to convey the most important parts of your speech. It’s a familiar format that clearly separates ideas and is easy to digest. So what’s the problem?对于把演讲最重要的部分传达出来而言,项目符号的确是非常棒的工具。这种格式大家都很熟悉,可以很清楚地将思路分开,也易于消化。那么问题出在哪里呢?
The problem is that, like any good tool, bullet points can be abused. Presenters often get carried away and begin to repeat the mistakes of the previous tip only in bullet form。问题在于,像任何好的工具一样,项目符号也会被滥用。演示者常常会忘乎所以,又开始犯了上一招的错误,只不过换成项目符号的形式而已。
Placing forty-two points on a single slide is exactly like using multiple paragraphs; doing so kills the usefulness of the slide. Remember that bullet points are supposed to convey the important information. To do that effectively you must actually make a decision on what you think is important vs. what should just be left to the speech。在一张幻灯片上放42个项目符号跟放几段文字无异;这么做会毁了幻灯片的可用性。记住,项目符号是用来传达重要信息的。为了有效地做到这一点,你必须切实地做出取舍,决定哪些是重要的,哪些应该留给你的演讲。
#8 Create Clear Focal Points#8 突出重点
Notice how the slide above used color to direct your attention to specific areas. The words in yellow stand out considerably from the rest of the content and therefore tend to draw your attention more。留意一下下面的这张幻灯片,看看它是如何运用色彩来将你的注意力引导到特定区域的。黄色的文字在其他文字中间显得很突出,因此往往更能吸引你的注意。
With text you can use color, size, typeface style or boldness to create clear focal points. Keep in mind that it’s a good idea to have one primary focal point (like the word “share” above) followed up by one or two secondary focal points that aren’t quite as strong。对于文本,你可以运用色彩、字体或粗细来创造出清晰的中心点。记住,一个主中心点后面跟着一两个不那么重要的次中心点是个不错的主意。
Note that text isn’t the only way to create strong focal points. Photographs and illustrations are also great ways to bring the viewer’s attention to a given area. Notice how the child’s eyes in the slide above really catch your attention and then gradually bring you down the headline as you move on。请注意,文字并非唯一能创造出鲜明的中心点的方式。照片和插图同样是将观众注意力吸引到特定区域的很好方式。留意下面这张片子里孩子的眼睛,看看他是如何真正抓住你的注意力然后慢慢地将你的视线引导到标题的。
#9 Create a Captivating Cover#9 设计引人入胜的封面幻灯
The cover slide is often either skipped entirely or shown for only a second in many presentations. However, a good cover design is a great way to set the tone for the entire presentation。封面幻灯片往往不是被直接跳过就是惊鸿一瞥,一秒钟就一闪而过。然而,一个好的封面设计是树立整篇演示基调的极佳方式。
Until that slide is shown, the audience has no idea what to expect from your visual aid. Creating a beautiful cover and leaving it up while you introduce yourself and your speech can really start things off on a positive note and give the audience a psychological heads up to pay attention because they’re about to see some awesome slides。在封面放出来之前,观众都不知道能从你的可视效果辅助物那里期待得到些什么。创建一个漂亮的封面,然后在你介绍自己和演讲内容的时候让它停留在那里,这真的可以让你有一个积极的开端,可令观众发自内心地抬起头来,全神贯注,因为,他们即将看到一些出色的幻灯片。
If you’re not a designer, then it can be intimidating to try to create a beautiful cover. In these circumstances, refer to tips #2 and #4 and let professional photography in conjunction with simple typography handle all the work for you。如果你不是设计师,你可能会对设计出漂亮的封面望而生畏。这种情况下,你可以试试前面说过的第二和第四招,用专业的照片术和简洁的排版术这套组合拳帮助你处理设计工作。
#10 Make ‘em Laugh#10 让观众会心一笑
Whether you suck at delivering witty one liners or are a natural born comedian, it helps ease the pressure to let your slides handle some or all of the humor. This way you can be perceived as funny without worrying about screwing up the punch line。无论你对给大家带来幽默诙谐这一点感到头痛,抑或你天生就是喜剧演员,让你的幻灯片部分或都掺杂些幽默对于缓解压力来说是有帮助的。如此一来大家都觉得你幽默风趣,而不必总是要妙语连珠。
Remember that your goal doesn’t have to be audible laughter from the entire room. Even the occasional smile from a few audience members goes a long way because it shows that they’re actually paying attention!记住,你的目标不必是要让观众哄堂大笑。即便是少数观众偶尔一笑,此情此景也意味深长,因为这表明他们的确在专心听讲了!
My best advice in this area is to try not to pour the humor on too thick. The audience will notice if you seem to be trying too hard. Find the most boring or complicated parts of your speech and break them up with a funny slide or two。在这方面,我的建议是幽默最好不要重彩浓墨。如果你看起来过度卖力,观众会觉察到的。找出讲演里面最乏味或最复杂的部分,把它们分成一两张有趣的片子。
Be sure to always consider your audience carefully when deciding what sort of humor is appropriate. Offending the audience is far worse than boring them。在决定采用哪种类型的幽默时,一定要仔细考虑你的观众。得罪了观众远比令其乏味要糟糕。
To sum up, let’s take a quick look at all ten tips for designing presentations that don’t suck from both articles。总结一下,让我们快速回顾PPT设计上下两部的十招大法。
1. Don’t Use a Built-In Theme
2. Use Quality Photography
3. Solid Colors Rock
4. Typography Speaks Volumes
5. Watch Your Readability
6. Simpler is Better
7. Avoid the Bullet Point Plague
8. Create Clear Focal Points
9. Create a Captivating Cover
10. Make ‘em Laugh
1. 不要用内置样式
2. 使用高质量的图片
3. 单色体系带来震撼
4. 字体也有力量
5. 注意可读性
6. 越简单越好
7. 避免过度使用项目符号
8. 重点要突出
9. 设计引人入胜的封面幻灯
10. 让观众会心一笑
I hope you’ve found these tips practical and easily implementable. Ultimately the goal here was to show you that you don’t necessarily have to be a professional designer to create great looking and effective presentations。我希望你们能觉得这些招式实用又好用。最后,我们的目的是好看又有效的PPT。
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