“You’ll get as much out of this experience as you put into it, so don’t hesitate to take on as many different projects as you can,” said account manager and internship coordinator Brian Pearson, adding that if any of the five unpaid interns ever found themselves without enough to do, they could always come to him for additional assignments intended for paid employees with at least two years of professional experience. “This is a great opportunity, so just try to take advantage of your time with us and learn as much as you can. Having the right attitude goes a long way around here。”“你付出多少,就能收获多少经验。所以你应该毫不犹豫地尽可能地多承担不同的项目,”客户经理兼实习生统筹主管Brian Pearson如是说,他还补充说当五个实习生中的任何一个人感到没事情可做时,都可以去向他申请额外的工作,而这些额外的工作原本是要由有至少两年专业工作经验的收取报酬的员工来完成的。“这是一个极好的机会,所以请利用好你的时间,并且尽可能学到更多。”
Pearson stressed that the college-aged interns, who receive no compensation whatsoever for what is officially scheduled as a three-day, 30-hour-per-week internship, should always aim to “go above and beyond” by accepting a wide array of jobs designed for multiple full-time staff members.Pearson强调,对那些被正式规定每周工作3天,共计30小时却得不到任何形式的补偿的大学实习生而言,他们应该致力于通过接手专门为正式员工设计的工作,以便越过时间的限制,学到更多东西。
“We really want you to get a good sense of all the different areas of our business,” said Pearson. “So now that you’ve been here for a few weeks and have gotten the hang of the basics, feel free to branch out a little more. For example, if you want to challenge yourself and assemble the purchase specs for the Freeman-Baines buy, just go ahead. We love to see things like that。”“我们希望你能对我们公司的方方面面都有一个很好的认识,”Pearson说道,“所以既然你已经在公司里呆了几个星期并且掌握了基本技巧,你大可以自由地向外延伸一些,学到更多。比如,你想挑战一下自己,为Freeman-Baines的采购收集购买规格信息,那就付诸实践吧。我们欣赏你这样的行为!”
“And if you have time, you could also compile the account’s CRM data, outline the six-month revenue targets, and email it to [Vice President] Mike [Seibert],” Pearson continued. “And if you could get it done by 3, or 4 at the latest, that would be very helpful。”Pearson继续说道:“如果你有空闲,你也可以编制客户经理的客户关系管理数据表,规划出公司六个月的收入目标,然后将成果邮给副经理,如果你能最迟在3到4天内完成,那将是帮了公司很大的忙。”
Pearson added that if an intern ever has any suggestions for expanding the program to include additional duties ordinarily performed by much older and properly qualified employees with families, his “door is always open。”Pearson又补充说道,如果一个实习生有这样的觉悟,将自己的工作任务扩大到包含那些本应由更年长的资深员工来完成的工作,那么他的前途一定是“一片光明”。
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