The constant demands of life in the office can make one day seem much like the next. In fact, though, there's a rhythm to the work week—one that you can use to your advantage。日复一日的工作让职场生活变得枯燥乏味,事实上,工作日的每一天都是有自己的“节奏”的,让我们学一学如何好好利用吧。
At the beginning of the week, workers are apt to be very demanding and disagreeable, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Surliness can actually increase productivity instead of creating conflict, says Debbie Moskowitz, Ph.D., a psychologist at McGill University in Montreal. "Dominant
behaviors are frequently about getting things done—setting goals, organizing work, assigning responsibilities," she explains. This sort of task-setting peaks on Tuesday, and unpleasantness peaks a day later。工作周的一开始,上班族们往往挑剔多事、各种不满意,但这并不一定是坏事。坏脾气有时候可以提高工作效率而不是制造矛盾。加拿大蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学心理学教授德比-莫斯考维茨表示,“主导性的行为通常指完成工作,比如设定目标、组织工作、分配任务等”,这类主导性事务的高峰往往发生在周二,之后的一天坏心情会达到顶峰。
That's contrary to expectations. "People tend to think that they get more disagreeable during the course of the week," observes Moskowitz. "In fact, people start out that way and get more agreeable later in the week." As hard-line behavior disappears, we become more flexible and accommodating. Thursdays and Fridays find us most open to negotiation and compromise because we want to finish our work before the week is out。这与传统观点不太一样,“人们通常认为在工作周的当中几天心情会越变越差”,莫斯考维茨解释说,“事实上,在工作周一开始是心情最差的时候,之后会越来越好。”随着艰巨任务逐渐过去,我们的适应能力也逐渐增强。你会发现,在周四周五这两天,对于谈判协商这类事情,我们的态度更加开放包容,原因就在于我们希望在工作周结束之前把事情都处理掉。
The conciliatory demeanor at week's end seems to be preparation for Saturday and Sunday, when getting along with family and friends assumes the greatest importance. Come Monday, the good cheer is gone and the cycle starts over again。在工作周结束前做出的一些温和举止似乎是为了即将到来的双休日做准备。人们都把双休日和家人朋友在一起视作最重要的事情。到了周一,愉快的庆祝心情已经结束,一切又将重新来过。
MONDAY: Organize, plan, and delegate周一:组织工作、制定计划、委派任务
TUESDAY: Follow your boss's directions周二:听老板的指挥
WEDNESDAY: Avoid conflict with co-workers周三:避免和同事发生矛盾
THURSDAY: Ask for a favor or a raise周四:请求加薪或帮忙
FRIDAY: Ask a colleague to do things your way周五:让同事按照你的想法做事
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