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impossible” or “There’s nothing I can do。”8. “那不可能”或“我一筹莫展”

  Really? Are you sure you’ve considered every single possible solution and the list is now exhausted? When you make the mistake of saying these negative phrases, your words convey a pessimistic, passive, even hopeless outlook. This approach is seldom valued in the workplace. Employers notice, recognize and promote a can-do attitude. Despite the glum circumstances, communicate through your words what you can contribute to the situation。真的吗?你确定已考虑过所有可能的方案、真的穷途末路了吗?“当你犯错说出这种消极的话时,说明你为人消极悲观甚或决绝,职场向来鄙视这种态度。员工必须养成‘能行’的态度。

  Instead, try something like, “I’ll be glad to check on it again,” “Let’s discuss what’s possible under these circumstances,” or, “What I can do is this。”所以,你应该说“我还是在检查一遍吧”、“让我们看看这种情况下还能有什么办法”或“我能做些什么呢”。

  9. “You should have…” or “You could have…”9. “你本应该……”或“你本可以……”

  You probably wouldn’t be thrilled

  if someone said: “You should have told me about this sooner!” Or, “You could have tried a little harder。” Chances are, these fault-finding words inflict feelings of blame and finger-pointing. Ideally, the workplace fosters

  equality, collaboration and teamwork. Instead of making someone feel guilty (even if they are), take a more productive non-judgmental approach. Say, “Next time, to ensure proper planning, please bring this to my attention immediately。” Or, “In the future, I recommend…”如果有人跟你说“你本该早点告诉我”或“你本可以再努力一点”,你肯定感到闷闷不乐。这些挑刺儿的话含有指责意味。而理想的职场下应该是平等、团队与协作。与其让别人倍感愧疚(即便他们确实感到愧疚),还不如换个积极中立的说法,比如‘下次计划恰当了就请立即告诉我吧’或‘以后我希望……’”

  10. “You guys。”10. “伙计们。”

  Reserve the phrase “you guys” for friendly casual conversations and avoid using it in business. Referring to a group of people as ‘you guys’ is not only inaccurate if women are present, it is slang and lowers your level of professionalism. With fellow professionals such as your boss, co-workers and clients, substitute “you guys” with terms such as “your organization” or “your team” or simply “you。”“伙计们”用法比较随意,职场中应尽量避免。用‘伙计们’指称一群人并不恰当,由其是有女性在场的时候;而且这是个俗词,有可能降低你的职业素养。如果有老板、同事及客户等职业人士在场,还是用“贵公司”、“贵方团队”或“贵方”比较妥当。

  11. “I may be wrong, but…” or “This may be a silly idea, but…”11. “有可能是我错了,但……”或“这个想法或许有点蠢,但……”

  These phrases are known as discounting. They diminish the impact of what follows and reduce your credibility. Remember that your spoken words reveal to the world how much value you place on yourself and your message. For this reason, eliminate any prefacing phrase that demeans the importance of who you are or lessens the significance of what you contribute。这些话语听上去就像在讨价还价。它们不仅削弱了后面话语的影响力,也降低了你本人的可信度。你说出去的话就是在告知世界你的价值观和想要传达的信息。因此,别拐弯儿强调你多厉害或你谦虚自己所作的贡献。

  Don’t say, “This may be a silly idea, but I was thinking that maybe we might conduct the quarterly meeting online instead, okay?” Instead, assert your recommendation: “To reduce travel costs and increase time efficiency, I recommend we conduct the quarterly meeting online。”别说什么“这个想法或许有点蠢,但我觉得或许我们可以网上召开季度会议,怎么样?”,相反,你应该这么建议:“为节约旅费和时间,我建议网上召开季度会议。”

  12. “Don’t you think?” or “Okay?”12. “你不觉得吗?”或“好吗?”

  These phrases are commonly known as hedging—seeking validation through the use of overly cautious

  or non-committal words. If you truly are seeking approval or looking for validation, these phrases may well apply. However, if your goal is to communicate a confident commanding message and persuade people to see it your way, instead of hedging make your statement or recommendation with certainty。这种话通常是因过分谨慎或为不承担责任而寻求对方赞同。如果你真想寻求赞同或认可,这倒也没什么问题。但是,如果你是想传达确切信息、使人按你的意思理解问题,你就应该更加确定地讲明才行。

  Imagine an investment banker saying, “This is a good way to invest your money, don’t you think? I’ll proceed, if that’s okay with you。” Instead, you’d probably want to hear something like: “This strategy is a wise investment that provides long-term benefits. With your approval, I’ll wire the money by 5pm today。”假设投资银行家说“这是个理财的好方法,你不觉得吗?如果,你肯定觉得奇怪,正常应该是这么说:“这是个明智的投资战略,可获取长期利益。只要你同意,我今天下午5点就汇钱。”

  13. “I don’t have time for this right now,” or “I’m too busy。”13. “我现在没有时间”或“我都忙死了”

  Even if these statements are true, no one wants to feel less important than something or someone else. To foster positive relations and convey empathy, say instead: I’d be happy to discuss this with you after my morning meetings. May I stop by your office around 1pm?”就算你说的都是事实,也没人愿意觉得自己还不如其他事或其他人重要。要想维持良好关系并赢得同感,你应该说:“我早上开完会后就有空跟你讨论这个问题了,下午1点左右我去你办公室怎么样?”

  These are common phrases that might be difficult to eliminate completely from your everyday conversations—but the trick is to gain awareness of the language you’re using. As is often the case with bad habits, we are unconscious of the fact we’re saying career-limiting words and phrases。坏习惯总是不自觉的,我们有时并不能意识到在讲一些祸害职业的话语。



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